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Study with Stutsman follows a constructivist approach to learning math. We believe students learn math best when given opportunities to discover and reason. Students play an active role in their learning by building upon existing knowledge. The teacher probes and questions students                as they take charge of their own learning. 


Kindergarten & 1st

Students will learn the names for numbers, how to recite them in order, and how to write each numeral. Students will build one-to-one correspondence and how to identify the total amount in a collection (cardinality). Students will be able to instantly identify quantities (subitize). 


Kindergarten & 1st

Students will represent numbers to 120 using concrete and pictorial models. Students will compare and order numbers.

2nd & 3rd

Students will represent numbers using standard form, word form, and expanded form to the ten thousands place. Students will compare and order numbers.

4th & 5th

Students will represent numbers using standard form, word form, expanded form, and expanded notation to the hundred millions place. Students will represent decimals to the thousandths place. Students will compare and order numbers. 


Kindergarten & 1st

Students will model the act of joining and separating. Students will create and explain strategies used to solve addition and subtraction problems within 20.

2nd & 3rd

Students will solve addition and subtraction problems within 1,000 using multiple strategies. 

4th & 5th

Students will add and subtract whole numbers and decimals.

Grouping by blocks
Grouping by shape


2nd & 3rd

Students will model multiplication using equal groups, arrays, area models, and number lines. Using strategies and algorithms, students will multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Students will use models and algorithms to determine quotients.

4th & 5th

Students will represent the product of a three-digit by two-digit number using arrays, area models, and algorithms. Students will solve four-digit by one-digit products. Students will represent the quotient of a four-digit number divided by a one-digit and/or two-digit number using arrays, area models, or equations.


Kindergarten & 1st

Students will identify two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes by their attributes. Students will compare objects measurements. Students will measure the length of objects with different units and describe why the measurements differ.

2nd & 3rd

Students will create and identify two-dimensional shapes based on given attributes. Students will classify and sort two- and three-dimensional figures based on attributes. Using concrete models for standard units, students will find the length of objects. Students will find the perimeter and area of shapes.

4th & 5th

Students will find the perimeter, area, and volume of figures. Students will classify two-dimensional figures. Students will be able to categorize angles as acute, right, or obtuse. Students will be able to draw and read angles with a protractor. Students will convert measurements from a smaller unit to a larger unit or a larger unit into a smaller unit.


teaching        in a hands-on-way is the key to understanding math for a lifetime



Kindergarten & 1st

Students will partition figures into two and four equal parts. Students will identify examples and non-examples of halves and fourths.

2nd & 3rd

Students will represent fractions of halves, fourths, and eighths. Students will identify examples and non-examples of fourths and eighths.

4th & 5th

Students will identify and describe unit fractions and their purpose. Students will decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions. Students will compare fractions using benchmark fractions. 


Kindergarten & 1st

Students will collect, sort, and organize data using tally marks and T-charts. Students will create picture and bar-type graphs with data and explain what the data represents.

2nd & 3rd

Students will summarize categorical data using frequency tables, dot plots, pictographs, and bar graphs. 

4th & 5th

Students will represent numerical data with dot plots and stem-and-leaf plots. Using bar graphs, and frequency tables, students will represent categorical data. Students will analyze frequency tables, dot plots, bar graphs, scatterplots, and stem-and-leaf plots in order to solve one- and two-step problems. Students will graph ordered pairs generated by number patterns or found in an input-output table. Students will be able to explain the data represented in the first quadrant.


National Council of Teachers of Mathematics process standards exemplify the standards for students and teachers at Study with Stutsman. 

Problem Solving

apply and adapt strategies

Reasoning & Proof

develop and evaluate arguments


analyze and communicate thinking and strategies

Grouping by blocks


understand and recognize how ideas connect and build on one another


create and use representations to model and communicate

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