day at a glance
day at a glance
number talk
Learning pods at Jubilee Learning will always start with a number talk to build number relationships. Number talks range from a five to fifteen minute class conversation around purposefully crafted problems that are solved mentally. Number talks provide opportunities for students to develop efficient computation strategies, communicate mathematically, and prove solutions.
meaningful task
Aligned with our scope and sequence, students will engage in a meaningful talk. Students will be encouraged to reason about mathematics and allow opportunities for them to communicate mathematically. Students will know they were successful if they are able to make connections to content they already know.
quick image
We will end our day with “Quick Images.” Students will see an image for three seconds and draw or build what they see. The image will be flashed again in case students want to make revisions. We will look at the image a third time and discuss the mental images students formed to assist them in drawing or building.