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study with stutsman

all about

Our mission is to create learners enthusiastic about mathematics. We teach through discovery and discourse so students can derive their own understanding of mathematics.


Our vision is to build up creative and confident problem-solvers who can justify and reason.


Math Curriculum
Grouping with blocks


       In my 4 years teaching math, I felt I had to rush in order to check

         all of the boxes. My students were not making connections and

  grasping the big ideas due to the quick pace. Without the gaps filled

in, new content has nothing to connect to and becomes learned in isolation.

Students lacked number sense. The reason: number sense is not a state standard. STAAR was dictating how I taught and what I taught.

Textbooks were designed for "I do, We do, You do" and end of unit assessments were multiple choice (which quite frankly did not tell me if students had mastered the content). I knew this was not best practice, but I felt that my hands were tied. 

With graduation coming up, I was constantly asked about my plans for next year. I couldn't pin point what direction I wanted to go. It seemed that every week it changed from interventionist to curriculum writer to starting a doctoral program. The only thing I knew for certain was I wanted to teach math with resources and instruction I believed to be best practice. Unfortunately, I knew that was not going to be in a public school classroom, so I thought bigger. I took a big leap of faith and realized I could do what I am passionate about without compromising my pedagogical beliefs.

And then it came to me. I could teach homeschool learning pods. I am eager and excited to see my vision come to life.


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meet our founder

masOn stutsmaN

masOn stutsmaN

I graduated from Baylor University with a degree in Elementary Education in 2020. After graduating, I moved back to my hometown and taught fourth grade for 3 years. 2024 was filled with many new milestones. In May, I graduated from TCU with a Masters of Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in mathematics and married the love of my life in July. But best of all, I started Study with Stutsman!


fun math


My favorite thing about math is fractions. (especially unit fractions)

My favorite math manipulatives are cuisenaire rods.

My dream job is being a full-time student. I love school and learning. 

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